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Image by No Revisions

Hemp Seed Oil Skincare: Why your skin needs hemp

Unlike most other skincare products you could go and splash your cash on, this isn’t just hype – there’s a mind-blowing number of ways hemp seed oil skincare stands out from the crowd.

Ruby Deevoy

The appearance of our skin is the first indicator of health. As the largest organ in our body, the skin reflects so much of what’s going on both internally and externally, physically and emotionally. Given that most of us go through quite a lot in this journey of life, and there’s really no avoiding skin damage from pollution, sun exposure and harsh chemicals that have become so tragically ingrained in human life, it’s important to find ways to take care of your skin – and the rest of your body too!
Perhaps unsurprisingly, for those who are beginning to realise how amazing the cannabis plant is, hemp seed oil is one of the best things you can introduce into your daily routine to help your skin look and feel its best. Unlike most other skincare products you could go and splash your cash on, this isn’t just hype – there’s a mind-blowing number of ways hemp seed oil skincare stands out from the crowd.

Is hemp seed oil the same as CBD oil?

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Image by Fulvio Ciccolo - Hemp Seed Oil

Although extracted from the same plant, hemp seed oil and CBD oil are two different things that work in completely different ways. They’re both brilliant skincare ingredients, but hemp seed oil offers many things CBD does not.
Although hemp seed oil contains no cannabinoids, it does contain all 21 amino acids, a perfect Omega 3:6 ratio and vitamin E, carotene, phytosterols, phospholipids, sulfur, potassium, phosphorus, calcium, magnesium, iron and zinc! The oil won’t clog your pores either. It makes a great cleanser, moisturiser and base for CBD skincare if you wish to reap the benefits of the whole cannabis plant.
Now, let’s explore these benefits further…

Hemp seed oil skincare is perfect for smoothing fine lines

We’re not going to say hemp seed oil skincare is ‘anti-aging’, because nothing is. We all age, that’s life, and there’s nothing wrong with it. However, if you give your skin what it needs to stay plumped and hydrated, there’s no doubt that your skin will look and feel more youthful for longer.

Hemp Seed Oil is rich in anti-oxidants

One of the kindest things you can do for your skin is give it the defence it needs to protect against pollution and sun damage. Hemp seed oil is extremely rich in anti-oxidants, which combats collagen-destroying free-radicals, resulting in overall much happier, healthier skin.

Cannabis-Fuelled Superboost Hydration

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Image by Anthony Tran - Hemp hydrates 

There is no other oil extracted from the plant kingdom that contains all essential fatty acids. Hemp seed oil is the only one! And the word ‘essential’ is key here, because it is essential we get these from somewhere as the body needs them to work optimally, but we can’t produce them ourselves.

Nourish your skin, with cannabis

Providing your skin cells with these fatty acids drastically improves suppleness, smoothness and overall health, as they act as a humectant (something which attracts or holds water) therefore strengthening the integrity of a layer of the epidermis called the stratum corneum, which regulates moisture and the lifecycle of skin cells.
This is also combined with the fact that hemp seed oil is a near-perfect match to your skin’s own lipids – which allows the oil to penetrate much deeper than others, getting into the cells and lubricating the surface between them. Considerably more effective than just surface moisture!

Soothe and Re-balance with Hemp Seed Oil Skincare

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Image by Tokyo Kohaku - hemp seed oil skincare 

Inflammation is a problem that affects skin of all ages and can result in various skin conditions, such as acne, psoriasis or eczema. Fortunately, hemp seed oil skincare is incredibly anti-inflammatory, as well as anti-microbial and collagen-promoting.

Can hemp help with acne and eczema?

Another problem acne suffers face is a sebum imbalance, which can be exacerbated by many skincare products that synthetically ‘stand in’ for health sebum levels rather than support your skin in re-discovering balance. Hemp seed oil skincare, on the other hand, doesn’t fake anything. Rather, it gives your skin what it needs in the form of a perfect omega 3:6 ratio and all 21 amino acids including gamma-linolenic acid (GLA), oleic acid and stearidonic acid. This is a vital point, as Acne-prone skin tends to have a high percentage of oleic acid and a low percentage of linoleic acid in their skin’s natural oil, while people with dry skin or inflammatory skin conditions often have a deficiency in essential fatty acids.

Suitable for senstive skin

Furthermore, this particular oil is suitable for even the most sensitive skin (unless you have an allergy to hemp!) and it does not clog pores.
There’s nothing quite like hemp seed oil for treating your skin to the nutrition it deserves. Pair regular hemp seed oil used topically with an internal dose too (2-3 tablespoons a day), lots of water and vitamin C and watch yourself transform!

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