Photo: Claudia Avila-Batchelor yoga-for-chronic-pain
Yoga is a slow and gentle style of movement exercise involving staying in supported poses (asanas) for a few minutes through to longer periods depending on type. Yoga can be practiced on mats, standing, sitting or lying on the floor and great for calming the nervous system.
IPhoto: Claudia Avila-Batchelor yoga-supported-poses
Yin Yoga is a gentle type of Yoga which stretches and releases tension in the underlying fascia – deep connective tissue – that holds our muscles, bones and organs in place. By holding the stretch for longer than usual, the connective tissue is stimulated instead of just the muscles. And the body responds by making this connective tissue slightly longer and stronger.
Claudia Avila-Batchelor release-tension-with-yoga
Connective tissue is especially important to people with chronic pain. It sends the message – from our brain or nervous system – to tell the muscles to contract, often causing or increasing pain. In yin yoga, we combine stretching with slow breathing, with the end goal of encouraging the muscles to slowly relax instead of contract.
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It’s normal to feel slight discomfort as you ease into the postures – but you should ensure your breath is easy and you feel no burning pain. These yoga poses for chronic pain don’t need any specialist equipment, although you may find a pillow useful. They are best performed as a sequence, lasting around 20 minutes.
IPhoto: Claudia Avila-Batchelor stretching-spine-muscles
I Claudia Avila-Batchelor relaxing-yoga-for-chronic-pain
Bring your big toes together to touch one another.
Place your knees as wide apart as you’d like.
IPhoto: Claudia Avila-Batchelor alternative-child’s-pose
IPhoto: Claudia Avila-Batchelor soothe-and-relive-chronic-pain
You could place a pillow underneath your forehead or chest. After 5 minutes, lift the upper body up, move your pillow to the left and drop into the pose on this side.
IPhoto: Claudia Avila-Batchelor yoga-helps-sore-muscles
Photo: Claudia Avila-Batchelor half-dragonfly-yoga-pose
Photo: Claudia Avila-Batchelor release-the-pressure
Lie on your left side, with your left arm straight out in front of you.
Roll slowly onto your front, so your chest is resting on your left arm.
Rest your forehead on the floor or prop it up with a pillow – whichever feels most comfortable.
Reach your right arm up, so it’s next to your head.
Press your right palm towards the ground.
IPhoto: Claudia Avila-Batchelor relaxing-through-yoga
Ensure your legs are relaxed and a comfortable distance apart.
Hold for 3 minutes, before repeating on your left side.
Photo: Claudia Avila-Batchelor careful-poses-to-avoid-injury
Roll back onto your side and carefully sit up.
It’s best to elevate your hips with a pillow, if you suffer from sciatica.
IPhoto: Claudia Avila-Batchelor yoga-butterfly-pose
Relieve tightness of the lower back and hip flexors with this forward fold.
Image by via.placeholder.com
From a seated position, bring the soles of your feet together and then slide them away from you.
Photo: Claudia Avila-Batchelor forward-back-stretch
Allow your back to round, while you fold forward.
Rest your hands on your feet.
Your head should hang down towards your heels.
Photo: Claudia Avila-Batchelor protect-your-neck
Hold for 5 minutes.
Slowly ease your head back up into its usual position.
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Photo: Claudia Avila-Batchelor reclined-butterfly-yoga-pose
This soothing pose gently stretches the inner thighs, hips and knees.
Lie down onto a pillow, ensuring it’s positioned under your rib cage.
Photo: Claudia Avila-Batchelor open-legs-stretch
Bring the soles of your feet together.
Place the feet as close to your body as comfortable, with your knees open wide.
IPhoto: Claudia Avila-Batchelor neck-stretch-for-pain
Ensure the top of your head, hips and sides of your feet are lying against the floor.
Photo: Claudia Avila-Batchelor yoga-relief-for-sore-muscles
Image by via.placeholder.com
Photo: Claudia Avila-Batchelor reclined-spinal-twist
Twisting postures can be a relaxing way to release tension around the spine, while helping to restore its natural range of motion.
Lie on your back.
Draw both knees into your chest.
Photo: Claudia Avila-Batchelor yoga-for-sore-joints
Open your arms to the side, so they’re at a right angle to your body.
Photo: Claudia Avila-Batchelor spinal-twist-for-pain-relief
Drop your knees to the right.
IPhoto: Claudia Avila-Batchelor yoga-breathing
Hold for 3 minutes, before repeating on your left side.
IPhoto: Claudia Avila-Batchelor natural-pain-relief
Photo: Claudia Avila-Batchelor relaxing-stretch
People with shoulder issues may find it more comfortable to bend their arms.
Claudia Avila-Batchelor shavasana-pose
Shavasana rests the body and mind. It should be the final pose in any yin yoga sequence.
Lie on your back and place your arms to the side with your palms facing upwards.
Photo: Claudia Avila-Batchelor yoga-breathing-to-relieve-pain
Pay attention to your breath.
Slowly scan your body, noting how each body part feels.
Hold for 3 to 5 minutes.
IPhoto: Claudia Avila-Batchelor side-push-up
Slowly roll onto your side and push yourself up as it’s important to be measured when you are practising yoga poses for chronic pain.
IPhoto: Claudia Avila-Batchelor shavasana-with-support
Expert Bio:
Rebecca Tidy is a qualified yoga instructor. She originally learned yoga to help reduce her own chronic pain, caused by cancer treatment.
Now, she loves helping others reduce their discomfort, while increasing mobility..
It’s always wise to chat to a doctor before beginning any exercise programme, especially if you have any serious health issues or may be pregnant.
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